BOOKSHELF, meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary


Concept of “bookshelf” within the British Dictionary

“bookshelf” in British

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BOOKSHELF, <a href='~id-36meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary Word during the day
happy” title=”BOOKSHELF, meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary Word during the day

“bookshelf” in American British

(Meaning of “bookshelf” in the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge College Press)

Types of “bookshelf”

Translations of “bookshelf”

étagère, rayon [masculine] de bibliothèque, rayon…

BOOKSHELF, meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary be sure youthe Cambridge English Dictionary be sure you”>

prestatge per a llibres…

polička na knihy…

BOOKSHELF, meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary in British     

półka (na książki)…

kitaplık rafı, kitap rafı…

estante de livros…

scaffale per libri…

BOOKSHELF, meaning in the <a href='~id-36Cambridge English Dictionary your personal word” title=”BOOKSHELF, meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary your personal word”>

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BOOKSHELF, <a href='~id-36meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary of charge” title=”BOOKSHELF, meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary of charge”>

Word during the day

happy, excited, or pleased

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